Adding custom LocatorBuilders to selenium ide

Adding custom LocatorBuilders to selenium ideSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Background : Selenium is an open source tool for web application testing.
Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin allows you to record tests in browser and run them from the browser or as a java test ( or any other languages ) using Selenium Remote Control libraries.
You can extend functionality of Selenium IDE by writing Event Handlers, Locator Builders, Command Builders, Custom Format all in JavaScript.
For more about that

More on Locator Builders
Locator Builders decide how HTML elements in a page are identified.
eg id attribute is a default locator builder.
So while recording a test an html element attribute selenium using the id attribute to recognize the element you changed, clicked etc.

Writing a new locator builder

You can instruct selenium to use a custom attribute to identify the elements in your page. Default Locator builders can be found at chrome://selenium-ide/content/locatorBuilders.js

Here's the js code to add a location builder for an attribute myattr

LocatorBuilders.add('myattr', function(e) {
if (e.hasAttribute('myattr')) {
if (e.getAttribute("myattr")) {
return '//' + e.nodeName + '[@myattr=\'' +
e.getAttribute("myattr") + '\']';
return null;

Since there are plenty of existing location builders, you need to specify the order in which they are invoked. This is how its done

LocatorBuilders.order = ['myattr','id', 'link', 'name', 'dom:name',
'xpath:link','xpath:img', 'xpath:attributes', 'xpath:href',
'dom:index', 'xpath:position'];

Complete code:

LocatorBuilders.add('myattr', function(e) {
if (e.hasAttribute('myattr')) {
if (e.getAttribute("myattr")) {
return '//' + e.nodeName + '[@myattr=\'' +
e.getAttribute("myattr") + '\']';
return null;

LocatorBuilders.order = ['myattr','id', 'link', 'name', 'dom:name',
'xpath:link','xpath:img', 'xpath:attributes', 'xpath:href',
'dom:index', 'xpath:position'];

Steps to add the extension code to selenium IDE

  • Write locator code in a new .js file
  • Specify the path in "Selenium IDE extensions" field in Selenium IDE > Options and restart selenium IDE

Writing an xml document to a file & indent it

Writing an xml document to a file & indent itSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Heres a simple code snippet in java for writing an xml document created
to an xml file.
Seems quite a common task but had to google quite a bit to get it right ....

Document doc = null; // load your DOM into this document object

TransformerFactory transfactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();

Transformer transformer = transfactory.newTransformer();

StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
StreamResult destination = new StreamResult(writer);
DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);

transformer.transform(source, destination);

String xmlString = writer.toString();

OutputStream os;

byte buf[] = xmlString.getBytes();
os = new FileOutputStream("output.xml");

for(int i=0;i

buf = null;

Modifications to the code so that the output xml file is properly indented.

TransformerFactory transfactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();

// code for indenting
transfactory.setAttribute("indent-number", new Integer(2));

Transformer transformer = transfactory.newTransformer();

// code for indenting
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "4");

Kandil 2009

Kandil 2009SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Shantaram Waingankar wrote
at 9:26pm on October 19th, 2009
My kandil made from 212 old cd's

Radhika Wagle wrote
at 9:28pm on October 19th, 2009

Priyanka Potdar wrote
at 10:08pm on October 19th, 2009

Jaideep Mahajan wrote
at 10:37pm on October 19th, 2009
wat wrk .....superb

Aaron D'souza (MICA India) wrote
at 10:39pm on October 19th, 2009
send me the image in full resolution

Shantaram Waingankar wrote
at 11:09pm on October 19th, 2009
i'll take a good pic tomm in hi res nd send it

Anil Raju Puliyeril wrote
at 11:56pm on October 19th, 2009
Awesome man. U did some phtotshop editing kya??
Coz the light effect etc seems to be superb...

Shantaram Waingankar wrote
at 12:03am on October 20th, 2009
dude .... come over tomorrow if u cant believe it

Anil Raju Puliyeril wrote
at 12:13am on October 20th, 2009
Hehe just joking... Too good man just upload
sm better pic so that we can relish it even more...

Gayatri Singh wrote
at 12:46am on October 20th, 2009
Hey.. That's awesome...& Happy Diwali to u !

Darshan Divecha wrote
at 1:21am on October 20th, 2009
same 2 u!

Kunal Modi wrote
at 6:29am on October 20th, 2009
finally you used the cds.. great.. Happy New Year..

Kitesh Jain wrote
at 2:08pm on October 20th, 2009
awesome man nd happy new year

Soni mami ( wrote
at 5:00 PM on October 24, 2009
neat way of being creative. Loved the creation.

Nikhil Patwardhan wrote
at 8:13 PM on October 24, 2009
Nice!! :-)
How was Diwali?

Vikram wrote
at 8:26 PM on October 24, 2009
Boss - this is quite amazing. very creative!

purnit chhajer wrote
at 11:06 PM on October 24, 2009
hey nice wrk can be a nice go green venture, wat say??
where r u wrkin now? and happy diwali!!!

Kavita Dabke wrote
at 6:49 PM on Sun, Oct 25, 2009
Kandil masta ahe! Khuupach creative idea!

Vrunda Modi wrote
at 5:37 AM on October 26, 2009
I love ur Kandil.=]

Kadambari Raut wrote
at 10:52 AM on Mon, Oct 26, 2009
"jr. Edison", awsm kandil.. fantabulous!!!

Vansa wrote
at 12:31 AM on Thu, Oct 22, 2009
wow...that's really pretty,Shantaram!!!
your kandil


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